
Brave New World

I am back. This time, I hope I can stay for a while. Maybe once, I tell you why I left the Second Life. But not now.
So, I returned and I realized that the world in SL had changed a lot. I had problem with use of SL viewers. The well known menu and buttons disappeared and I saw unusual viewer structure.
None of my friends were online. Checking their profile, I realized that they must have been all right.
I supposed that my Owner did not want a slave having one-year holiday, so I took off my collar and my gags.
I was searching for my favorite places from the past. I found Necronom, Bondage Playground, Collar me, etc. However, my favorite, Heaven & Hell and Alikat had gone.

The world seemed empty; it became nicer and still interesting, but I did not find crowed anywhere, even in Bondage Ranch.

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