
Pony Play II

My Owner wanted me to be a pony again. He wanted to participate on a promenade again. At this time, I was very careful when we crossed sim borders.

After the pony play, when I got tired very much, my Owner took me to a beach. It was not as beautiful as Waterworks were, but it was mature beach, so we had more freedom.

I had to go on the lake and wash my body. My Owner attached a leash to my collar. I wore RR ankle cuffs and my Owner forced me to kneel down. I still hated such game. I was so happy to obey, but such RR tools took one of the most important things from me, the feeling of humiliation. On the other hand, there was no rational explanation why I knelt down. So, I decided that I was sick and I could not control my body.

My Owner did not listen to my illness. He yanked me out of the water, across the beach. I thought that I would die in minutes. Finally, my Owner detached the leash and examined my blooding neck, where the collar hurt my sensitive skin. My illness flew away and I was able to move again.

My Owner gave me silks and I had to put them on. I obeyed, but few days ago, when I had been cleaning my inventory, I had dropped the same silks away. I was afraid to suggest my Owner to allow me to wear other more beautiful silks.

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