
Kajira Or Slave

I was alone and I decided to look through my silks. I have many silks, but I used them only twice. I gathered some of them on freebie places. I won some of them on lucky chairs. I got two as a gift in a shop and I received one as a gift from Sir Nabru. In fact, I did not wear most of them. It was the time to choose nice silks and sign them.

Sir Sleight IMed me. He was talking about Gor and gorean lifestyle. He seemed indeed interested in Gor. Do not you think it is interesting? I was looking through my slave silks and in the next moment, I was talking about Gor. The same happened some days ago with RR tools. Maybe, I have to buy a lottery.

Let me return to Sir Sleight and Gor. He told me that he had spent some days in Gorean sims and he liked it very much. Mysterious world of Gor touches people's heart. I found it interesting, too. I read the first book of Gor series. Before reading the book, I knew about the Gorean world something. I read some related websites on Internet and IRC. I built some society based on this information in my mind. I imagined slave girls who have only one aim. This aim is to serve, nothing more.

During reading and after finishing the book, this world in my fantasy changed. I admit I really enjoyed the book. It is really great. There are fights, wars, death and love in the planet of Gor. These were absent from my fantasy.

Sir Sleight offered me to be his slave in a Gorean sim for a week. I hesitated. I was a slave of Sir Sleight and I enjoyed it. I was afraid of the Gor.

I heard of Gorean sims. I heard of force collaring. I was afraid of being collared with force. Once, I go through the border of a Gorean city, I had to live according to rules of the city. Anybody can take me and I have no idea how to behave in such situation.

I told about my doubt to Sir Sleight. He seemed to be sure of himself. He said he was learning to fight with sword. Yes, I could try it.

I was going from one shop to other and I gathered all free silk. I found two dresses for Gorean Free Women. I liked them very much. They are designed better than many formal clothes. What do you think?

I liked the veil very much. I wanted to find a slave silk with veil, but I did not found. I hoped I would find a beautiful one.

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